Monday, June 1, 2009

44 Mosquito Bites

So this blog looks very dinky without anything in it, and I've got very exciting news which is I have 44 mosquito bites on me. From staying out on Erik's trampoline too late at night, (oh, I found another one), and from running around outside too much, and late-night bubble-blowing. I woke up very itchy.

Well, I don't think anybody will read this but Ping, when she gets home from school... Hi Ping!

And Erin!
And Sean!


  1. Your profile picture... made me giggle. And this?! My poor baby! :C I would wrap you up in a quilt fresh out of the dryer and hand you a tube of cortezone cream. And then we would sit around and play Zelda. I hear that is the best remedy for mosquito bites.

  2. Oh my goodness, that is basically my idea of what Heaven is. PLEASE ADOPT ME MISS PING CHEW.

  3. me too they are everywhere especially my butt

  4. mosquito bites stink D:. i get them alll the time down in florida, especially during summer because they looooooooove rain and humidity.
    cortisone is definitely your best bet to stop the itching.
